jumaat 27 Mac
* pagi - selesaikan keje, handle sal kes polis (perebutan lembu telah blaku)
t,hari - kemas baju nak pi kedah
ptg - ke majlis kembara bersama tv3 - bg input ttg ayam kampung kat D.O, teman D.O ke gerai lawat kaw.
mlm - bertolak dari maran to kedah melalui LPT, karak, genting sepah, batang kali, ipoh, simpang pulai, jelapang, alor setar
sabtu 28 Mac
* pagi - 4.00 a.m sampai di exit alor setar (S), solat sambil tunggu yus
- tidur jap di Hotel LB
- 11.00 ke UUM sintok, makan, hantar ma kat dewan
- tggu mami dari kosidang
- ke bukit kayu hitam - shopping
t,hari - makan
ptg - tguu luar dewan
- solat asar
malam - bertolak balik ke kl
ahad 29 Mac
pagi - 2.30 a.m sampai di umah makteh rawang
- tidur
- ke carefore - shopping
t,hari - ke umah cikja kat kepong mkn thari di majlis cukur bibi amyshar
ptg - bertolak ke maran jam 5.30pm
mlm - sampai di maran jam 7.10 pm
- makan
nantilah upload gambar ek...
30 Mac 2009
24 Mac 2009

alhamdulillah smua selamat
balik umah mami n amik smua brg2 nak hias bilik pengantin
aku hias ke?
hahaha.ni makanan pengantin..lps pengantin mkn, we all la mkn sket..rasa jd pengantin makan.

yg cat confirm la abg CD
16 Mac 2009
13 Mac 2009
Apa akan berlaku minggu ini?
minggu ni jabatan perkhidmatan veterinar negeri pahang akan mengadakan hari keluarga di cameron highland
ramai la yg bagi semangat dengan = menghadirkan diri ke hari keluarga ini +
tidak ketinggalan la aku. memang tiap-tiap tahun la muka ini akan menghiasi hari yang bahagia ini dengan memenangi pelbagai acara yg telah dianjurkan termasuklah acara : baling telur secara berpasangan..heheh
juara kekal abadi hingga ke hujung nyawa..ewah ewah
tetapi minggu ni satu 'big day' akan berlaku di mana BIL saya ni nak kawen di mentakab, pahang. so, secara tdk langsungnya, kami sekeluarga memainkan peranan yang penting juga di dalam melancarkan 'big day' ini.
antara peranan yg akan dimainkan ialah:
1. wedding planner; hehe..sebab aku yg buat atas par..dibantu oleh ahmad fahmi n ahmad firdaus
2. tukang book hotel; kalau tak de org yg "free" kan masa utk calling2 mmg la tak de hotel utk we all
3. masak memasak; biasa la ni kalau family dah datang umah kan..kena la masak
4. tukang sibuk? boleh la gak sbb kalau aku tak sibuk tanya apa-apa yang belum buat lagi, confirm la tertinggal n tertidakbuatlah apa yg sepatutnya.
so, walaupun hati ke hari keluarga, namun 'big day' ini lagi 'berhati-hati'..
note: gold = warna tema
ramai la yg bagi semangat dengan = menghadirkan diri ke hari keluarga ini +
tidak ketinggalan la aku. memang tiap-tiap tahun la muka ini akan menghiasi hari yang bahagia ini dengan memenangi pelbagai acara yg telah dianjurkan termasuklah acara : baling telur secara berpasangan..heheh
juara kekal abadi hingga ke hujung nyawa..ewah ewah
tetapi minggu ni satu 'big day' akan berlaku di mana BIL saya ni nak kawen di mentakab, pahang. so, secara tdk langsungnya, kami sekeluarga memainkan peranan yang penting juga di dalam melancarkan 'big day' ini.
antara peranan yg akan dimainkan ialah:
1. wedding planner; hehe..sebab aku yg buat atas par..dibantu oleh ahmad fahmi n ahmad firdaus
2. tukang book hotel; kalau tak de org yg "free" kan masa utk calling2 mmg la tak de hotel utk we all
3. masak memasak; biasa la ni kalau family dah datang umah kan..kena la masak
4. tukang sibuk? boleh la gak sbb kalau aku tak sibuk tanya apa-apa yang belum buat lagi, confirm la tertinggal n tertidakbuatlah apa yg sepatutnya.
so, walaupun hati ke hari keluarga, namun 'big day' ini lagi 'berhati-hati'..
note: gold = warna tema
10 Mac 2009
anakku pandai apa?

hari ni hati menyanyi-nyanyi jer sbb memikirkan apa yg anak dah 'pandai buat' sehingga ke tahap ini..
1. menulis pada kertas
2. makan dgn menggunakan sudu (garfu belum lagi-bahaya)
3. ambil baju kotor dan letak dlm baldi
4. rebut bantal dia kalau org lain guna (kenal la bantal nya)
5. masuk duit dlm tabung (esp duit syiling ayah)
6. tolak troli (airport)
7. cakap 'betul, betul, betul'
8. tgk cartoon
9. cakap dgn tel (cik n opah)
5 Mac 2009

nape bangkok?
jap..nak search psl bangkok ni ok ke tak...
The headlong pace and flawed modernity of BANGKOK (called "Krung Thep" in Thai) match few people's visions of the capital of exotic Siam. Spiked with scores of highrise buildings of concrete and glass, it's a vast flatness which holds a population of at least nine million, and feels even bigger. But under the shadow of the skyscrapers you'll find a heady mix of frenetic markets and hushed golden temples, of glossy cutting-edge clubs and early-morning almsgiving ceremonies. Most budget travellers head for the Banglamphu district, which is just a short walk from the dazzling Grand Palace and Wat Po and the very worthwhile National Museum. For livelier scenes, explore the dark alleys of Chinatown's bazaars or head for the water: the great Chao Phraya River is the backbone of a network of canals and a useful way of crossing the city.
Bangkok is a relatively young capital, established in 1782 after the Burmese sacked Ayutthaya, the former capital. A temporary base was set up on the western bank of the Chao Phraya, in what is now Thonburi, before work started on the more defensible east bank. The first king of the new dynasty, Rama I, built his palace at Ratanakosin and this remains the city's spiritual heart. Initially, the city was largely amphibious: only the temples and royal palaces were built on dry land, while ordinary residences floated on thick bamboo rafts on the river and canals, and even shops and warehouses were moored to the river bank. In the late nineteenth century, Rama IV and Rama V modernized their capital along European lines, building roads and constructing a new royal residence in Dusit, north of Ratanakosin.
Since World War II, and especially from the mid-1960s onwards, Bangkok has seen an explosion of modernization, leaving the city without an obvious centre. Most of the canals have been filled in, to be replaced by endless rows of concrete shop-houses, sprawling over a built-up area of 330 square kilometres. The benefits of the economic boom of the 1980s and early 1990s were concentrated in Bangkok, as were the calamitous effects of the late-1990s economic crisis, both of which attracted mass migration from all over Thailand and made the capital ever more dominant: the population is now forty times that of the second city, Chiang Mai, and Bangkokians own four-fifths of the nation's cars.
Bangkok is a relatively young capital, established in 1782 after the Burmese sacked Ayutthaya, the former capital. A temporary base was set up on the western bank of the Chao Phraya, in what is now Thonburi, before work started on the more defensible east bank. The first king of the new dynasty, Rama I, built his palace at Ratanakosin and this remains the city's spiritual heart. Initially, the city was largely amphibious: only the temples and royal palaces were built on dry land, while ordinary residences floated on thick bamboo rafts on the river and canals, and even shops and warehouses were moored to the river bank. In the late nineteenth century, Rama IV and Rama V modernized their capital along European lines, building roads and constructing a new royal residence in Dusit, north of Ratanakosin.
Since World War II, and especially from the mid-1960s onwards, Bangkok has seen an explosion of modernization, leaving the city without an obvious centre. Most of the canals have been filled in, to be replaced by endless rows of concrete shop-houses, sprawling over a built-up area of 330 square kilometres. The benefits of the economic boom of the 1980s and early 1990s were concentrated in Bangkok, as were the calamitous effects of the late-1990s economic crisis, both of which attracted mass migration from all over Thailand and made the capital ever more dominant: the population is now forty times that of the second city, Chiang Mai, and Bangkokians own four-fifths of the nation's cars.
ini yg aku dapat..
erm..nak tahu cite di sebalik Bangkok, tunggu edisi seterusnya..
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